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7 Signs Of Water Intrusion Through Stucco Walls

Water intrusion through your stucco walls is never fun. This could lead to bigger problems if not taken care of right away, so here are helpful signs to look out for and keep in mind.

7 Signs Of Water Intrusion Through Stucco Walls - All Climate Painting

When it comes to sidings, stucco is some of the best out there. It looks amazing on your home and creates a look like nothing else on your street. However, when you have stucco, you need to be on the lookout for water intrusion. When water gets into stucco, it causes all kinds of damage that can be expensive to fix.

To stop these problems in their tracks, you need to be able to spot the tell-tale signs of water leaks. If you catch them quickly though, you’ll be able to fix them without spending a lot of cash on a whole new stucco job.

Here’s what you should be looking out for.

1. Damp Looking Stucco

Now, every time the stucco gets wet shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. After it rains, it will make sense that it’s wet. However, if it’s still wet a week after the rainy weather, that shows you that water has got inside the stucco. There may also be spots on the wall that always look damp. Pay close attention to those, as that’s where water may be getting in.

2. Cracks 

A crack in the stucco is a surefire sign of water in your stucco. You don’t need to panic though, as it doesn’t mean that you have permanent damage yet. It is a sign that water has got inside though, so you’ll need to take action now before it gets worse.

3. Missing Chunks of Stucco

Take a look at your stucco, and see if any chunks of the siding have come away. That surface damage shows that water has got underneath and is causing problems.

4. Cracks and Bubbles at the Bottom of the Wall

During your inspection, look to see if there are obvious cracks or bubbles along the bottom edges. Like anything else, water has to obey gravity and it will run down. That means most of the damage could well be at the bottom of the wall.

5. Window Caulking Damage

Can you see any gaps in your window caulking, or cracks in it? That’s also a sign that water has made its way into the stucco. If it has been there long enough, you’ll need to have those windows replaced too. That’s why it’s so important to inspect the stucco regularly.

6. Soft Drywall

Now you’re going inside to continue your investigation. Feel the drywall below your windows. Does it feel soft to the touch? That’s another sure sign of water damage. In these cases, that section of drywall will need to be replaced, as well as the stucco on the outside.

7. Basement Moisture

Finally, head into your basement and check the walls. You’ll see that if there’s water in the stucco, it can lead to moisture on the walls. This isn’t the only reason this can happen though, so be sure to rule out any other causes before you begin rectifying the problem.

Why You Have Water Damaged Stucco  

If you have found any water damage in your stucco, you’ll need to know what caused it before you look into repairs. Why was it that water got into the siding of your home?

The most common reason is that the stucco was poorly made and installed on your home. When made well, good stucco will repel water. In most cases, that’s enough to keep it safe. When poorly made though, that stucco actually starts absorbing water instead.

Also, you can start suffering damage if the stucco wasn’t installed correctly. If the contractor doesn’t have the right experience, that will cause more problems for you later down the line. They may not add in proper drainage, which allows water to escape, or sealing, which protects from water getting in around windows and doors.

Why You Need to Address the Issue Quickly

There’s always something that needs to be done around the home, and right now a little water damage doesn’t seem that urgent. However, water-damaged stucco isn’t just a cosmetic issue.

If you ignore that water damage for long enough, it will start to cause rot. When that’s left for long enough, it’ll rot the entire walls of your house. It’s going to be incredibly expensive to rebuild your home’s walls because you ignored the water.

As well as rot, you’ll be at risk of mold. This comes with a whole host of health issues, as well as more issues with your home. The quicker you take care of the water damage, the less mold you’ll have to handle.

You’ll also need to consider water damage when it comes to selling your home. You want to think about curb appeal, certainly, but also think about how you’ll sell your home. Many prospective buyers won’t buy a home if there’s water damage to the stucco, as it can be hiding bigger issues.

When to Get Professional Help

When you find any signs of damage, you’ll need to address them. As stucco is such a specialist job, you’ll need to refer to the experts on this. When you see any issues, call the professionals right away. They’ll be able to come out and take a look to assess how the bad the damage is.

If you can’t see exactly where the damage is, they can use tools to assess the problem. They will drill a small hole in the wall, so they can see inside the wall and whether any water has made its way in. If they find anything, they’ll then recommend the correct course of action.

While it’s tempting to repair the damage yourself, this is a job best left to the professionals. Remember, poorly installed stucco causes these problems so you want to avoid that.


Now you know what you’re looking for when it comes to water damage in your stucco. Keep an eye out on it, and always call for help if there’s any damage. When caught quickly, it can be easily repaired, so don’t delay.

7 Signs Of Water Intrusion Through Stucco Walls - All Climate Painting