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4 Benefits Of Aging In Place, And How To Improve Your Home

As you get older, remodeling your home to better fit your needs is always important to consider. To further learn about this subject, here are some benefits of aging in place that you should know.

4 Benefits Of Aging In Place, And How To Improve Your Home - ACP

Aging in place‘ is the term used for those looking to stay in their homes for as long as possible as they grow older. This is instead of going into assisted living facilities, as many are doing right now. As the population continues to get older, you need to make decisions about what you’ll do in your elder years.

Here are some benefits of aging in place, why you should consider it, as well as tips as to how to do so.

1. Keeping Your Independence

One of the main reasons people are choosing aging in place is because they’ll be able to keep their independence for as long as possible. There will come a time when you need to get help from others, but when you’re in your own home, you still have more control.

In an assisted living facility, you have less control over your routine and day-to-day activities. You’re living reliant on the nursing staff, who are usually busy working with several residents. It’s not as ideal as being in your own home.

2. Home is a Healthier Environment

Some studies have shown that assisted living facilities are less healthy for their residents than their own homes are. There are several reasons why this may be. There’s an emotional toll about moving from your home, especially if you’ve lived there for decades. This can lead to mental health issues, such as depression.

There’s also a heightened risk of infection in assisted living facilities. These can be life threatening, in the worst case scenario. Because of these reasons, it’s better to stay in your own home for as long as possible.

3. Keep the Same Routines 

When you live in your own home, you can enjoy the same routines every day. These routines benefit you, both physically and mentally. Being in a familiar home, where you can follow those routines, is so important.

If you move to a facility, you won’t be able to enjoy the same routines in many cases. Many elders never feel truly at home in an assisted living facility, and it makes it much less comfortable to live in.

4. Cheaper to Stay at Home

It’s no secret that living in an assisted living facility is expensive. A shared room can cost $10,000 a year, while a private room can be up to $75,000 a year. Many elders need to sell their homes in order to afford the costs, something that they would rather leave to their children and grandchildren.

There are costs to aging in place too, as you’ll need to do renovations. However, it can work out a whole lot cheaper in the long run.

These are all very good reasons to look into aging in place. How can you get your home ready for the coming years?

How to Update Your Home For Aging in Place

There are lots of things you can do, to make your home safer and more comfortable as you get older. The better the renovations, the longer you’ll be able to stay in your home. Here are some ideas, so you can see what aging in place entails.

  • Change Up Your Bathroom For Safety

Your bathroom is one of the first places you should look to make changes. Having a bathroom that’s easily accessible will make it so much easier to stay in your home and keep your independence for longer.

Your main aim to avoid slips and falls, and there are a few ways you can do that. You can change flooring in the bathroom to a non-slip rubber flooring, which will make it a lot safer.

Having a shower stool in the shower will also help a lot. You won’t have to stand to shower, something that some elder people have trouble with. If your budget goes further, you can install a walk in shower.

There’s also the option of installing a walk in bath tub as well. These allow you to enter the bath without having to lift your leg over it. Add in a shower seat as well, and you can bathe safely.

Grab rails are another must in the bathroom. Add these in the bath, shower, and by the toilet to aid in getting up and down.

  • Eliminate Stairs Where Possible

As you get older, it will be more difficult to navigate stairs. If you can, eliminate stairs in your home. This reduces falling hazards and makes it easier for you to get around.

  • Adapt Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the other most important room to renovate. You want to be able to use it, even if you have different mobility needs. A good way of ensuring there’s enough room is to add a kitchen island on wheels. This can be moved around, so it can be moved out of the way when needed.

It’s always a good idea to add counters that are lower down, too. These are for anyone using wheelchairs or other mobility aids, so they can prepare meals easily.

  • Widen Doorways

If you can, widening doorways is always a good idea. That allows you to get through with a mobility aid, such as a wheelchair, without scraping the sides. While you’re working on the doors, it’s also smart to change the handles from knobs to levers, as they’re easier to grasp.

  • Put Hot Water Measures in Place

Another risk for elders in their homes is burns and scalds from hot water. You can prevent these from happening by putting anti-scalding measures on faucets and in the shower.


These are just a few ideas as to how to renovate your home so you can age in place. There are so many reasons to invest in your home now, as you’ll be able to stay in it for longer than you otherwise would. Get the ball rolling now, so you’re ready when the time comes.